Thank you everyone! Have a look at some photos of our day. You can also re-watch the livestream if you missed it!

We’ve tied the knot! This is where you can follow along.
Read our story
We’re a less-than-ordinary couple, with a less than ordinary story. In two versions (his and hers) we’ve shared the story of how we came to be together. Read a bit of our story here.
Sign our guest book
We’re scattered far and wide—across the world, some of us having never met. Bridge the divide and send us a message for our wedding day by signing our guest book.
Browse our gift registry
Get to know us as a couple. Come see the funny gifts in our gift registry and choose one for us. We’ll tell you the story behind it… and see if you can win at one of our gift games!
Follow along for updates
We’ll post updates ahead of and after the wedding, telling a bit more of our unique story and some of the details of how we’ve come to be who we are as a couple.
Re-watch the livestream
Re-watch the livestream of our wedding if you want to re-live the (slightly chaotic, but very fun) day!